Knowing how to properly sharpen plane blades and set up your hand tools are critical skills for making woodworking easy and enjoyable. In our January meeting, Lie-Nielsen hand tool expert Denab Puchalski will go through the basics of course, medium, and fine cuts, and demonstrate how different types of hand tools work together. Sharpening plane blades and chisels, tool set up and maintenance, and planing techniques will be demonstrated. There will also be a video detailing processes in the Lie-Nielsen Toolworks shop providing a first-hand look at what goes into the making of their tools. There will, of course, be time for questions and discussions.
About the Presenter
Denab Puchalski

Denab Puchalski is the lead demonstrator at Lie-Nielsen hand tool events and has traveled across North America and the UK teaching people about their tools. Denab has studied woodworking at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship at Rockport Maine. He went on to become an assistant instructor and artist-in-residence at that school during which he honed his woodworking skills and sense of design. In addition to contributing articles to various woodworking magazines, Denab is the leading talent for Lie-Nielsen’s YouTube instructional videos.