For the October meeting, it will be all about vises. We want members to show the many options there are for vises and their accouterments. This will be a group presentation with members showing their interesting vise or adaptation that they use with their vise. All are encouraged to participate. Each member could present for one to ten minutes could discuss why you like a certain vise liner, a certain type of vise, some add-ons, or anything else. We even encourage discussion and asking questions about problems you have with your vise to seek the group’s advice.
You can present in one of several ways:
- In person during the meeting (bring your vise/accessory with you;
- In person at the meeting (send photos ahead of time to our webmaster) where you talk about your vise/accessory while the photo(s) are being projected on our large screen;
- Stay at home and participate virtually via WebEx, where you will be able to show us live video of your vise/accessory while you talk.
For the October meeting, it will be all about vises. We want members to show the many options there are for vises and their accouterments. This will be a group presentation with members showing their interesting vise or adaptation that they use with their vise. All are encouraged to participate. Each member could present for one to ten minutes could discuss why you like a certain vise liner, a certain type of vise, some add-ons, or anything else. We even encourage discussion and asking questions about problems you have with your vise to seek the group . . .
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Meeting Highlights