October Meeting: Tour of Jones Furniture Designs

Saturday, October 8, 2022
5136 Butler Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: October 8, 2022

Meeting Start Time: 10:00 AM

Meeting End Time: 12:00 PM

For the October 8, 2022, Western Pennsylvania Woodworkers meeting, we will meet at Jones Furniture Designs in Lawrenceville. Garth Jones is a professional woodworker and furniture maker who happens to build small boats on the side. He has applied what he has learned from boat building to expand his furniture designs and woodworking skills. There are no straight pieces of wood in his boats, so he will show us a systematic way to reproduce these complex shapes. After that, we will take a brief tour of his shop.

The presentation will be at his shop at 5136 Butler St about one block east of the Allegheny Cemetery and will begin at 10 a.m. with socializing from 9:30 to 10.  Most of the meeting will in the outdoor part of his shop that is partially covered by a roof. If it is raining, please bring an umbrella. If you have trouble standing, please bring a portable chair. Parking will be on the street (not metered parking). This part of Lawrenceville is usually not too crowded, so hopefully parking will be easy, either on Butler or on nearby streets. — Elmer Nahum
