If you attended our December Show and Tell, you will remember Bob Eckert’s wavy cutting board. Despite Bob’s description of the process, I still couldn’t wrap my head around all of the various steps necessary to achieve the final result that he was showing us. I looked over at Bill and Ken and could almost hear the thoughts running through their minds,
Continue reading: Wavy Cutting Boards ...Meetings and Events
An Archive of the Club's Meetings and Other Events
Shaper Origin
You’ll now see the virtual meeting information above. We believe that we will be able to stream this meeting live via Webex. However, we may have inconsistent internet access at Rockler and the stream quality may be degraded. We will be recording a separate video to post on the site in the next few weeks.
Continue reading: Shaper Origin ...Biscuit Joinery
Since some of our members find it difficult to attend meetings on Saturday mornings, we’re holding this month’s meeting on a Friday evening in an effort to accommodate those members. We’re hoping to minimize family/work-life disruption by selecting a Friday evening, since there’s generally no work or school on Saturday mornings for our members.
Continue reading: Biscuit Joinery ...December 2022 Meeting: Member Show and Tell
Our annual Show and Tell meeting is one of the more popular topics that we have for meetings, and all members are invited to show a project they have not previously shared. The meeting will be a hybrid meeting with the option to present a project in person at The Backchannel School of Woodworking or virtually via Cisco WebEx.
Continue reading: December 2022 Meeting: Member Show and Tell ...My Favorite Things
With the arrival of fall, we welcome the unofficial start of “woodworking season,” as many of our summer nice-weather activities are more difficult to pursue and we tend to spend more time indoors. Since we started our program year with two field trips, this month’s meeting will be our first in-person event in our normal venue.
Continue reading: My Favorite Things ...October Meeting: Tour of Jones Furniture Designs
For the October 8, 2022, Western Pennsylvania Woodworkers meeting, we will meet at Jones Furniture Designs in Lawrenceville. Garth Jones is a professional woodworker and furniture maker who happens to build small boats on the side. He has applied what he has learned from boat building to expand his furniture designs and woodworking skills.
Continue reading: October Meeting: Tour of Jones Furniture Designs ...September Meeting: Tour of Old Economy Village
September 17, 2022
Old Economy Village, 270 16th St., Ambridge, PA 15003
(Because of the remote location, no virtual meeting will be available.)
Tour starts at 10 AM sharp; please be a bit early.
For our September 17 meeting (the third Saturday of the month) we will be having a field trip to Old Economy Village in Ambridge,
Continue reading: September Meeting: Tour of Old Economy Village ...Unicorn Sharpening
Would you like to have a much quicker way to sharpen your chisels (and other straight-edge tools?)? What if this same method performs better and holds its sharp edge longer? And what if the method works well on all types of steel, even less expensive “utility” chisels? Does this all sound almost too good to be true and as rare as a unicorn?
Continue reading: Unicorn Sharpening ...