For the October meeting, it will be all about vises. We want members to show the many options there are for vises and their accouterments. This will be a group presentation with members showing their interesting vise or adaptation that they use with their vise. All are encouraged to participate.
Continue reading: October 2021 Meeting: Vise Advice ...Meetings and Events
An Archive of the Club's Meetings and Other Events
September 2021 Meeting: Butt Hinges for Furniture
Precisely-fitting and swinging doors are one of the hallmarks of fine craftsmanship in furniture. Using models, jigs, and possibly a little flying sawdust, WPW member Bill James will take us through his process of how to lay out, mortise, and install various types of fine butt hinges, including the steps necessary to properly size doors for beautiful and consistent gaps.
Continue reading: September 2021 Meeting: Butt Hinges for Furniture ...Kumiko
Despite the fact that the Japanese geometric latticework technique of kumiko has been used for centuries (the lattice in shoji is also referred to as kumiko), it seems to be having “a moment” in the woodworking press as of late, with the recent Fine Woodworking article by Mike Pekovich being the latest to have caught my eye.
Continue reading: Kumiko ...Building a Timber-Framed Craftsman-Style Gate
The nature of “fine woodworking” can transcend size, as the skills and exactness required are often the same, regardless of whether the project is a small cabinet or a house. Perhaps the size of the tools change, but making wood fit together and stay that way rely on similar principles.
Continue reading: Building a Timber-Framed Craftsman-Style Gate ...Show and Tell From Home
Hello Fellow Woodworkers,
Based on past years’ participation rates and lots of positive comments from the membership, we know that our annual Show & Tell meeting is one of the more popular topics that we have for meetings. So, instead of letting COVID-necessary virtual meetings change yet another aspect of our lives,
Continue reading: Show and Tell From Home ...The Basics of Color and Topcoats
Note this meeting is on FRIDAY NIGHT. While we usually emphasize that our meetings are almost always the second Saturday morning of the month, we sometimes need to change the meeting day due to scheduling constraints. Also, in the past we have had requests for an occasional evening meeting because Saturday mornings can be difficult for some of our members to attend,
Continue reading: The Basics of Color and Topcoats ...Knowing how to properly sharpen plane blades and set up your hand tools are critical skills for making woodworking easy and enjoyable. In our January meeting, Lie-Nielsen hand tool expert Denab Puchalski will go through the basics of course, medium, and fine cuts, and demonstrate how different types of hand tools work together.
Continue reading: Hand Tool Woodworking with Lie-Nielson Toolworks ...